Zoology 365

Biology of Mammals

Spring Semester, 2006

Terri McElhinny- Michigan State University



Each review is a self test with a link to the answers at the bottom of the page. Please note that these reviews are intended as study tools, they are not all-encompassing. You need to study your coursepack and notes as well!


Lab 1 Review: Postcranial skeleton

Lab 1 Review: Postcranial skeleton-- Answers

Lab 2 Review: Skull and teeth

Lab 2 Review: Skull and teeth-- Answers

Lab 3 Review: Monotremes and Marsupials

Lab 3 Review: Monotremes and Marsupials-- Answers

Lab 4 Review: Insectivores and Pals

Lab 4 Review: Insectivores and Pals-- Answers

Lab 5 Review: Ungulates

Lab 5 Review: Ungulates-- Answers

Lab 6 Review: Cetaceans and Subungulates

Lab 6 Review: Cetaceans and Subungulates-- Answers

Lab 7 Review: Lagomorphs, Xenarthrans, Tubulidentata and Pholidota

NEW: Exam 1 Review!!!!

Labs 8 and 9 Review: Rodents

Lab 10 Review: Carnivores

Lab 10 Review: Carnivores-- Answers

Lab 12 Review: Bats

Lab 12 Review: Bats-- Answers

Lab 13 Review: Primates

Lab 13 Review: Primates-- Answers

NEW: Exam 2 Review!!!!

Also, check out the UMass Mammalogy database, it has pictures of skins and skulls! Thanks to Alix Marcoux for finding it.