Zoology 365

Biology of Mammals

Spring Semester, 2006

Terri McElhinny- Michigan State University

Lab 4 Review: Insectivores and Pals-- Answers


1. Family Tupaiidae

2. Families Tenrecidae and Solenodontidae

3. Family Soricidae

4. Family Cynocephalidae

5. Order Erinaceomorpha

6. Family Talpidae

7. Order Soricomorpha

8. Family Macroscelididae

9. Order Dermoptera

10. Family Scandentia

11. Well, you know you have found a hedgehog skull, Family Erinaceidae, but that doesn't help you in narrowing down your location, because you could be in Europe, Africa or Asia!

12. You are in Asia

13. You're still in Asia

14. Grandma wants to go to Africa

15. You say: "Yes, they eat insects and fruits." Dave says: "Well I don't think two-pie-a-day (Tupaiidae) is much of a diet." (with thanks to Laura Sams)

16. Talpids are fossorial

17. Order Macroscelidea

18. Families Soricidae and Solenodontidae

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