Zoology 365

Biology of Mammals

Spring Semester, 2006

Terri McElhinny- Michigan State University


Mammal Lynx

Hey gang, if you have a favorite mammal link that you would like to add, please email me!

The most important link for this lab is the Animal Diversity Web, maintained by the very fabulous
Dr Phil Myers at the University of Michigan. Navigation of this site allows you to take a second look at
many of the skulls that we study in the lab.

The Smithsonian has a great new site with lots of information on North American mammals! It has range maps, photos (including skulls), and phylogenies.

Walker's Mammals of the World online. This is the online version of the two-volume text that we have available in lab.

The tree of life. A site maintained by the Maddison brothers, this has great information on the relationships between mammalian taxa.

A great list of mammalogy sites on the web.

Dr Ron Brooks at the University of Guelph maintains a page that you'll find helpful in reviewing the bones of the mammalian skull and skeleton.

Below are some more pages that have skull photographs, which students often use in creating flashcards:
Tanzanian Mammal Key is maintained by Bill Stanley at the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago.
It is an EXCELLENT page for looking at Families present in eastern Africa, and it's also great practice
in using dichotomous keys.
Will's Skull Page has fabulous photos of many of the skulls that we've seen in lab. Here we find a
common name problem. Will is British, and they use a lot of the same common names we do for
different species (eg, otter, badger).
Will's osteological glossary.
Mammalian Crania Picture Archive also has lots of good skull pictures, you can click on 'em to enlarge.
Skulls Unlimited and Bone Clones are skull vendors, but they have good skull photos.

The eskeletons project has great photos of the skulls and skeletons of of baboon, gorilla, and human.

Mammal Species of the World National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution.
This an online version of the book by Wilson and Reeder (1993).

American Society of Mammalogists


Study mammals in Africa this summer with Terri!