Zoology 365 |
Biology of Mammals |
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Spring Semester, 2006 |
Terri McElhinny- Michigan State University |
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1. Everyone's favorite orca, Shamu the killer whale, is in what Suborder?
2. The baleen whales, which are by nature more shy and retiring than the toothed whales, have no such spokesperson, they are in the Suborder...
3. An Odontocete with a telescoped skull, homodont dentition, a melon used for echolocation and a lower jaw in the shape of a V (with NO long symphysis). would belong to the Family....
4. Where would you find members of the above Family?
5. How can you tell the difference between Delphinidae and Iniidae?
6. Where can the Family Iniidae be found?
7. What is the Ordinal and Familial classification for elephants?
8. What is the Ordinal and Familial classification for hyraxes?
9. What is the range for hyraxes?
10. How could you recognize a skull from the Family Procaviidae?
11. You're working with a manatee rescue program, and it's your job to feed the gentle creatures, what should you feed them?
12. Name some distinguishing features of a manatee skull.
13. What Family and Order are manatees in?
14. What Subclass are manatees in?
***Note: We have studied 3 subclasses in the Class Mammalia: Prototheria, Metatheria and Eutheria. Prototheria includes the monotremes, Metatheria includes the marsupials and Eutheria includes everybody else.
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