Zoology 365

Biology of Mammals

Spring Semester, 2006

Terri McElhinny- Michigan State University

Words of the week- Carnivores

Alisphenoid bone – one of the paired bones that form part of the lateral walls of the braincase, located anterior to the squamosal in the temporal fossa.

Alisphenoid canal – a tubular passageway beneath an arch of bone near the base of the alisphenoid bone, through which a blood vessel passes.

Ectotympanic – bone which forms the ring holding the eardrum or tympanic membrane and which usually forms the major portion of the auditory bulla (sometimes called the tympanic).

Entotympanic – bone surrounding the middle ear cavity. Sometimes fuse with the tympanic to for a compound bulla (sometimes called the endotympanic).

Postglenoid process – extension of the squamosal that locks in the condyloid process of the dentary.