Zoology 365

Biology of Mammals

Spring Semester, 2006

Terri McElhinny- Michigan State University

Words of the Week- Monotremes and Marsupials

Diprotodont: shortened mandible, first pair of lower incisors elongated to meet up with upper

Polyprotodont: Unshortened mandible, lower incisors unspecialized

Syndactyly: 2nd and 3rd toes fused, both digits in common skin sheath

Vestigial: reduced, remnant, eg. Porpoise hindlimbs

Nocturnal: active at night

Diurnal: active during the day

Crepuscular: active at sunrise and sunset

Cloaca: common opening for fecal, urinary and reproductive tracts

Hallux: first digit of hind foot (big toe)

Pollex: first digit of manus (thumb)

Incisiform: resembling incisor