As things on the web are constantly changing, this site will need to be updated from time to time, so I'd appreciate your feedback. Please email me if links don't work, or if the fonts or colors aren't easy to read on your screen.


Zoology 360, The Biology of Birds

Below is a link to a lab review created by Ornithology 2003 student Bryan Napoletano. Note that this review was not created by your TAs, and we have not done extensive fact-checking on it. If something within this document does not agree with your notes, ask a TA for clarification! This is intended as a study aid, not the final word (for example, note that the Black Tern's scientific name is misspelled in this review packet).
Lab Exam 1 review

Lab Exam 2 review

Lab Exam 3 review

2004 syllabus


It's All Greek To Me.....

Are you having trouble with the Greek and Latin terminology used in the systematic classification of birds? I find that scientific names are easier to remember when I have some idea of what they mean. If you feel the same way, try my Avian Lexicon.


Don't Forget to Review!

You really need to study every week for the lab portion of this course. Cramming will NOT work. Staying on top of your work will ensure that you do well on the exams.

Steve Vieira, a former ZOL 360 TA, has put together some great review pages for the labs. You should check them out, I think you'll find them quite helpful. These pages are intended to help you review, but they do not cover all of the material that is fair game for your exams. Make sure you review your coursepack as well.

Bones and Feathers Review

Characteristics of birds, and Gaviiformes through Podicipediformes Review

Spenisciformes through Anseriiformes (Anatini) Review

Anseriformes (Aythyini) through Charadriiformes 1 Review

Nests and Eggs Review

Waders Review

Ratites and Raptors Review

Galliformes thru Caprimulgiformes Review

Apodiformes through Passeriformes (Flycatchers and Crows) Review

Aluadidiae thru Sylviidae (Old World Insect Eaters) Review

Thrushes thru Warblers Review

Check it out: a sample key to the warblers

Sparrows, Finches and Blackbirds Review


The Name Game

As mentioned in lab, it is strongly recommend that you use some sort of flashcard or chart system to help you identify the birds and learn the scientific names that we use in class. You will be periodically asked to show your TAs how you are studying for lab, so be prepared to wow them with your study aids. Below are links to some virtual flash cards for the birds that you need to identify to genus and species (recall the proper way to write a genus-species name, eg. Gavia immer). The flashcards are grouped like the divisions in your coursepack: water birds, wading and marsh birds, non-passerine terrestrial birds, and passerines.

Flashcards: Water Birds (requires Netscape or IE 4)

Flashcards: Wading and Marsh Birds (requires Netscape or IE 4)

Flashcards: Terrestrial Birds: the non-Passerines (requires Netscape or IE 4)

Flashcards: Terrestrial Birds: the Passerines (requires Netscape or IE 4)