> Here is the list of terms:
> 1. antheridium - structure that produces/houses the sperm and protects
> sperm, haploid
> 2. archegonium - structure that produces/houses the egg and protects eggs,
> haploid. May end up protecting the zygote.
> 3. capsule - structure in the moss that produced the spores through meiosis
> and is diploid; stores spores for later dispersal
> 4. cone - in gymnosperms, diploid, can produce/house the megaspore or
> microspore
> 5. cuticle - waxy protective coating that covers the plant surfaces to
> decrease dessication
> 6. diffusion - movement of solutes from a high concentration to a low
> concentration across a semi-permeable membrane
> 7. endosperm - triploid, rich nutrient source of food available for the
> embryonic plant in the developing seed, in angiosperms
> 8. evaporation - cohesive - tension - when water evaporates from the leaves
> of the plant can cause water to move up the xylem through pulling of the
> cohesive properties of water and surface tension
> 9. frond - in ferns, diploid leaf structure
> 10. fruit - in angiosperms, houses the seeds and is maturation of the ovary
> 11. gametophyte (haploid) - haploid stage that can produce the egg or sperm
> (gametes)
> 12. herbaceous - plant that possesses vascular tissue and is not woody
> 13. heterosporous (microscope and megaspore) - spores that are of two
> different sizes
> 14. homosporous - when all the spores are the same size
> 15. leaves - photosynthetic parts of a plant and possess vascular tissue
> 16. lignin - support structure in the fern
> 17. needles - in gymnosperms, the leaves
> 18. ovule - in angiosperms, the part of the flower that contains the
> megasporangia
> 19. phloem - vascular tissue that moves soluble nutrients down the plant
> 20. pollinator - an organism that transfers pollen from one flower to
> another flower on a different plant
> 21. prothallus (haploid) - in fern, the heart shaped gametophyte stage that
> produces the archegonia and antheridia
> 22. protonema (haploid) - in moss, the first stage that develops from the
> spore and looks like algae
> 23. rhizoid - root like structures that are underground and absorb water
> and nutrients and do not possess vascular tissue
> 24. rhizome - in ferns, the underground horizontal stem
> 25. root - typically underground structure that contains vascular tissue
> and takes up water for the plant
> 26. seed - in gymnosperm and angiosperm, this diploid structure contains
> the zygote and endosperm which will become the future embryo and plant;
> this is dispersed
> 27. sorus - in ferns, this diploid structure contains the sporangia which
> produce the spores which are haploid and dispersed
> 28. spore (haploid) - product of meiosis produced from the sporophyte
> generation to grow into the gametophyte
> 29. sporophyte (diploid) - stage that produces the spores
> 30. stomata (2 functions) - on the leaves and can control the uptake of gas
> and release of gas along with helping to decrease dessication
> 31. xylem - vascular tissue that moves water up the plant
> 32. vascular cambium - tissue in the stem that produces the wood
> 33. wood - hard dead protective layers around the stem, roots and branches
> 34. zygote (diploid) - fertilized egg (produce of egg and sperm fusing)